Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One Charter, three Policies and Eleven Reports: DOEB Brothers (and Sisters) Set a Record

The much anticipated Operational Energy Strategy Implementation Plan hit (floated to?) the street this past Friday, 9 March 2012.  The SecDef took the time to put his name on this one, so that might explain its timeliness.  The diminutive document lays out short, mid and long term goals and objectives but is best considered in terms of its timeline.  This is a long post so I will break it down over a couple of day.  Bottomline up front: It has an appropriate sense of urgency.  DOD is drawing down from active combat, in its budgets and in its ambition.  Bold action was needed when taking it would have been bold.  Now that everyone, including the C,JCS gets it, taking action is hardly bold, but it is still necessary.  The most significant pronouncement in the reprot is the formation of the Defense Operational Energy Board (DOEB) which brings the JCS in as partners in setting the conditions for OE efforts.  Onward. 

In June 2011, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs (ASD,OEPP) issued the DOD Operational Energy Strategy (OES).  The second paragraph of the introduction read:
The DoD Operational Energy Strategy sets the overall direction for operational energy security for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Combatant Commands, Defense Agencies, and Military Departments/Services (hereinafter “DoD Components”). Within 90 days of the publication of this strategy, the Department will release an implementation plan, which will include specific targets and timelines for achieving this strategy in the near-, mid-, and long-term. Annual updates to the strategy and implementation plan will include specific performance metrics, as directed by section 138c. Together, these documents will form the basis of the ASD(OEPP)’s annual certification of Departmental budgets, as required by law.
True to their word, this past week, the Operational Energy Strategy Implementation Plan (OESIP) was signed by the Secretary of Defense and released for public consumption.  It was promised in 90 days after the Strategy, but they did not say that it would be 90 days in a row…….

Also true to their promise, it contains specific targets and timelines and another promise of metrics.  Here is a synopsis of the specific targets to support them.  Timeline will be provided in the next post.  The DOD operates on a Fiscal Year (FY) calendar which begins on 1 October.  The year is broken into four quarters.  As of 13 March 2012 we are in the final month of 2ndQFY12. 

The OES has three strategic goals.  The OESIP has seven specific targets associated with each goal as well as a timeline to support.  Here is an overview of the goals and targets.

Strategic Goal 1: The Department will reduce the overall demand for operational energy and improve the efficiency of military energy use in order to enhance combat effectiveness and reduce risks and costs for military missions.  To achieve this strategic goal, the Department will measure its operational energy consumption; improve energy performance in operations and training; and promote defense energy innovation.
Target 1: Measure Operational Energy Consumption.
Target 2: Improve Energy Performance and Efficiency in Operations and Training.
Target 3: Promote Operational Energy Innovation.

Strategic Goal 2: The Department will diversify and secure military energy supplies in order to improve the ability of U.S. forces to obtain the energy required to perform their missions.  To achieve this goal, the Department will identify and remediate 
Target 4: Improve Operational Energy Security at Fixed Installations
Target 5: Promote the Development of Alternative Fuels.

Strategic Goal 3: To provide energy security and enhanced warfighting capability for U.S. forces in the future, the Department will consider energy security in strategic planning and force development.
Target 6: Incorporate Energy Security Considerations into Requirements and Acquisition.
Target 7: Adapt Policy, Doctrine, Professional Military Education, and Combatant Command Activities.

In the next post I will break down the requirements of the OESIP along its timelines.  Although designed for long term impact, the plan has specific requirements in each of the remaining quarters of 2012.  I will add my anticipated (hoped for) outcome of each of the requirements.  The OESIP directs the production of  A LOT of reports. (11 Reports, many from multiple submitters).  It does not say how those reports will be used.  The OESIP cost about $240K to produce.  Maybe, by ordering in bulk, they can get the reports they have ordered more cheaply.  Dan Nolan

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