In 2006 I was working as a strategic planner at the U.S.
Army’s Rapid Equipping Force (REF). The
REF’s mission is to find technology solutions to commanders’ immediate
battlefield requirements. In the early
fall we received a joint urgent operational needs statement from the Anbar
Province in Iraq, requesting a hybrid electric power station. Because of the unusual nature of the request
and the fact that I was an unusual guy, they asked me to look into it. This was the now famous Zilmer JUONS that
began the push for reducing the impact of energy on operations in
theater. Since that time we have seen
the Power Surety Task Force, the Net Zero Plus Joint Capabilities Technology
Demonstration (the forerunner of the SPIDERS JCTD), tent foaming and the
creation of the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational
Energy Plans and Policy. As of today, the PSTF was disbanded, Net Zero Plus wrapped up, successful tent foaming
in Iraq was followed by a mismanaged effort in Afghanistan that failed but the
ASD,OEPP marches on. GEN Petraeus issued
his own directive regarding operational energy, as did GEN Allen and countless
conferences have shared PowerPoint after PowerPoint about the actual problem
and potential solutions. But where are we today? According to the GAO, DOD is on its fourth
point of contact (if you are a LEG, ask a Paratrooper what that means).
In a report published in 2009, GAO faulted DOD for a lack of
(1) visibility and accountability for achieving fuel reduction, (2) incentives
and a viable funding mechanism to invest in the implementation of fuel demand
reduction projects, and (3) guidance and policies that addressed fuel demand at
forward-deployed locations. In that same year, the NDAA for FY 2009
required DOD to “report to Congress annually on its progress in implementing
its operational energy strategy.” According to a new report published in June 2012
GAO-12-619), the DOD
has failed to submit any reports, so far.
The 2009 report recommend visibility and accountability for fuel
reduction. This report finds that DOD is “still developing an approach to systematically identify and track all of the
fuel demand management initiatives that have been fielded, or are in the
research and development phase throughout DOD.”
Still. Annie Snider’s excellent
article on the same is
The bottomline for the GAO is that DOD has done little since
the 2009 report and they recommend that “the Secretary of Defense direct the
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs, in
consultation with the Joint Staff, combatant commanders, and military service
components, to finalize and implement a systematic approach that includes
establishing a mechanism to identify and track fuel demand management
initiatives that have been fielded, or are in the research and development
phase to ensure information concerning these efforts is effectively shared
across the services.” DOD's rebuttal to this comment is contained in the report, but says, in effect, "good point, but, we've got all the guidance we need, thank you very much".
All of the hopes of a revolution in operational energy were
just that: hopes. The ASD, OEPP made it
clear with the
Operational Energy Implementation Plan that the intent is to get
it right the next time. Fortunately, the
gates are open in Pakistan and we are no longer paying an additional
$100 million a month
(yes, a month) to get supplies into Afghanistan. I guess we will be able to withdraw more
cheaply now. The fact is that until you
modify the behavior, change the culture and assign carefully define authority,
responsibility and accountability, nothing else matter.
It was once said of the U.S. Military by a Soviet
General, that the American Military has magnificent doctrine, but they can’t be trusted to execute
it. Until operational energy is
prescribed, not just described, in doctrine, the culture does not change. Dan Nolan